On Sunday, March 10, 2024, the Charlotte Chess Center hosted our weekly Sunday Afternoon Classical tournament at the CCC North location. Sunday Afternoon Classical is a classical event that takes place every Sunday in which players play one round of g60+10 USCF-rated chess per week.
The following players won their game this past Sunday:
Top: Kishan Karthigeyan, Geoff Charles, and Charlie Manolakis
U1300: Graham Sledge, Saharsh Santhoshkumar, Axiao Yao, Vesanth Thirunavukkarasu, Mehai Collins, Imhotep Collins, Nicholas Semrick, Robert McCluskey, Haresh Nagarajan, Abinav Pradeepkumar, Josh Alex, Sayooj Nair, Daniel Dieringer, Nichol Garrison, and Isaac Rampey
Graham Sledge is the only player in either section to have played and won in each of the two weeks of March so far, as a majority of the 42 players who participated this week did not play on March 3. We'll see if Graham is able to keep up the perfect score!
Nichol Garrison sent in her game this week against CCC student Shrinika Musuluri to be featured in this recap. Shrinika won an exchange early in the game with a Nxc2+ fork, but Nichol won the material back eventually and had chances in the endgame. Even after winning black's knight on move 37, the position remained quite complicated, as black had multiple passed pawns on the queenside. Nichol's accurate 46. Rb8! helped to convert the advantage into a victory. Very entertaining and hard-fought game on the part of both players!
If you'd like to submit one of your own games for inclusion in a report, follow the link below or find the QR code if submitting from the tournament itself.
The next Sunday Afternoon Classical will be held on March 17. We hope to see you there!
For upcoming tournaments, bookmark our Events Schedule. The CCC hosts nearly 8 events a week at our facilities in North and South Charlotte, along with bi-monthly major events such as the upcoming 2024 Spring Open and ALTO tournaments.
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NM Dennis Norman
Chess Coach - Club Journalist
Charlotte Chess Center