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CCC News/Blog Quick Update!

During the past few months, the Charlotte Chess Center has used the "News" section of our website to post recaps of each weekly tournament, in addition to covering major events, submitted games, and other fun stuff (such as Expert Patrick McCartney's endgame column).

We intend to continue recapping all CCC events, but with a slightly different format. Rather than posting short recaps of each event, one consolidated recap summarizing the results of all the weekly events will come out each weekend.

Articles recapping CCC tournaments that only happen once a month (such as Reverse Angle and Rapid & Blitz) may still be standalone pieces. Along the same lines, major events (such as January's Charlotte Open) will continue to receive detailed summaries as always.

Each weekly event (ex. Sunday Afternoon Classical, Monday Action Quads, Friday Action Quads) will be listed in chronological order and covered similarly to previous recaps, but all within one newsletter. These summary posts may also include other fun and memorable moments from the week, as well as a compilation of submitted games, so don't hesitate to send games in for inclusion in our reports!

We hope this change will make the News/Blog section of our site a bit more organized.

NM Dennis Norman

Chess Coach - Club Journalist

Charlotte Chess Center


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