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The Queen's Social

May 18, 2024

CCC (Main/South)


Pre-Registered List


Join the community of CCC moms! Moms of the CCC invites you to attend The Queen’s Social, a monthly event in a fun and encouraging environment with appetizers, door prizes, and light over-the-board game play.

First registrants will receive a CCC swag bag containing:

  • A Moms of the CCC shirt

  • Moms Edition CCC workbook

  • and more!



Charlotte Chess Center - Main/South

10700 Kettering Drive, Unit E

Charlotte, NC 28226


6:00pm - 8:00pm


All mothers who are members of the CCC are invited to attend the Queen's Social meetings. In addition, mothers whose children meet one of the following criteria are also welcome to attend:

  • Members of the CCC

  • Student in CCC school programs

  • Student in CCC classes


The Moms of the CCC began with a simple question: “If I come to Monday’s casual night, will you?” 

Mothers are often the number one supporters of their children’s endeavors, and yet there is often so little offered specifically for them. When we began Moms of the CCC, we had two goals in mind: to provide a safe and nurturing environment in which women felt empowered to learn and explore chess and to help mothers in their desire to support their children’s growth.

What we pictured for Moms of the CCC was very different from what was already available and associated with chess—we pictured flowers, food, fun, and, most importantly, the love and joy of chess, each other, and our children. We envisioned “afternoon tea” with a chess twist.

The Queen’s Social, then, is just that. It is a place where we—and you—can come and enjoy the friendship of other mothers while bonding over our shared goal to grow our knowledge of chess.


Moms of the CCC was formed to create a network of mothers in chess. Those who attend will learn the basics of chess while becoming more informed about the chess world as a whole. Through the Moms of the CCC group, mothers will be well equipped to assist and support their children through their journey in chess. - FM Peter Giannatos, CCC Founder



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Pre-Registered List
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